but the song featured both a male and female singer. I just heard this song for the 1st time today (2-11-22) on some random radio station that barely came in around the Belvidere IL area around the FM93 dial zone that must of been maybe a dance or new wave/underground or alt. It made an impact on me, though, so I'd love to be able to find it again. Pretty sure that was the ONLY record she ever put out. The particularly frustrating part, is that the woman who put the record out WASN'T anyone really especially famous. Come back to stay, come back any day, it's lonesome without you out here." I lost that cassette tape YEARS ago, and have spent so much time since trying to find that song again, but no one else I know seems to have ever heard of it. The part I can remember went: "Please come back little deer, you're my friend and companion out here. She sings to it as it leaves, realizing how lonely she's going to be after it's gone. She took care of the fawn for almost a year, feeding it and sheltering it, until it finally got old enough and strong enough to take off on her. It was about a woman finding a fawn curled beside it's mother, that had died beside the creek in the woods behind her house. I don't remember the name of the artist, the song, or the record, only a couple lines from one of the songs. Some 30-ish years ago, I had a cassette tape put out by a woman who sang and played guitar in a country/folk style, and all these decades later, I still sometimes have bits of one of the songs stuck in my head. it was soo awesome, haven't heard it since like 1994/95, any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED :) more » definitely a rapper singing it and the bass is SUPER loud.

It definitely reminds me of Ian drury, but it's not them. (this seemed to be the chorus and was song very loud).ĭance.

(then there was a loud noise in the song, like DUM DUM) with my little stick! Hit you Hit You Hit YOu (dum dum) with my little stick. I heard it on a mixtape that my buddy had. The answer to this one won't be on google as I exhausted it already, this will need to be someone that remembers the actual song. I've done numerous searches always find the same suggestions on google. I heard it in the early 90s, sounded like a rap band, loud bass. I"m looking for a song that seems to have sampled Ian Dury and blockheads 'Hit me with your rhythm stick", but it's not that.